Monday, July 7, 2008

"Easy Google Income" Another scam or not?

Just received spamemail with title
"Just another day at the office" and a lady in the bath tub

Get a Free Interactive Cd that can show you the lazy way to make money online,using Google to make a Fortune!

Earn Google Cash
Hasn any body tried it? Is it a working system?
I know for sure google makes money. But how I can make money.


  1. It's a scam. They get your credit card number and then charge around $70 for stuff you didn't sign up for... It's too good to be true. Plus, it's not even affiliated with Google, or sponsored by them. So whatever you do, DO NOT fall for it.

  2. No It is not a scam. Visit for details.

  3. It is a very good system.

  4. It is the best work at home program.
